Англійська мова. Всі запитання починаючи з 1000
1001100210031004100510061007100810091010  ▶  
Завдання 1001 з 1930

Read the texts below. Match choices (A–H) to (27–32). There are two choices you do not need to use. Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.

This camp offers participants the opportunity to learn the basics and advanced techniques of rock climbing and whitewater kayaking at various outdoor destinations throughout the southeast. This camp is designed for teens that have a desire to push their limits in adventure sports. Possible destinations may include stops in Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, and North Carolina. Experience is helpful, but not a requirement.

In this camp __________.

Aparticipants can enjoy an adventurous water ride in spring
Bcampers can descend into the grottos and observe them
Ca camping trip is included in the program of activities
Dparticipants will get acquainted with scuba diving
Eonly two outdoor activities are on offer
Fall necessary things will be carried by animals
Gcampers will be pleased with the perfect sightseeing
Hexperience is necessary for the adventures

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