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Завдання 1656 з 1930

Global Protesters Demand Renewable Energy by 2050

Last Sunday more than 70,000 people travelled from all over the UK to take part in a massive demonstration in London, demanding that Prime Minister and the other delegates (33) __________, come back with a positive, strong deal.

Members of different environmental organisations and various individual activists travelled to London (34) __________. Protesters wore costumes, such as polar bear and giraffe outfits, (35) __________, and everyone carried a placard to make sure they were seen and heard by Westminster.

This didn’t just happen in London; it was the Largest Climate Mobilisation in History. The global demonstration consisted of 2,300 other events (36) __________. In total, over 785,000 people (37) __________. Their demands were unanimous: world leaders must give a promise (38) __________ and make a 100% transition to renewable energy by 2050.

Afinding out whether our demands will be met
Bto come together and make their voices heard
Cthat took place simultaneously in 175 countries
Dthat walked to the government building in Westminster
Etravelling to the Paris Climate Change Conference this week
Fmobilised from different countries and cultures
Gto keep all fossil fuels in the ground
Hplayed instruments or spun discs

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