Англійська мова. Всі запитання починаючи з 1710
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Завдання 1711 з 1930

Kenilworth Books

This bookshop has a strong children’s section, with activity books, annuals and fiction titles selling particularly well. Hardback novels are popular with adults. Kenilworth Books has a large area devoted to fiction, cookbooks, travel guides, maps and books on local history. Every year the shop also arranges a number of cookery demonstrations. It also sells classical and jazz music.

Which of the shops ___________?

Awas mentioned in detective fiction
Bgives you a chance to save on packaging
Cused to be a place for travellers’ stay
Doffers a diverse event programme
Esold magazines and papers
Fhas a special colourful entrance for kids
Ggives you a chance to buy a pet
Horganises culinary shows

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