Англійська мова. Всі запитання починаючи з 1795
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Завдання 1796 з 1930

Flying to work, anyone?

A drone big enough to (23) __________ human passengers was demonstrated in Guangzhou, China, and company behind it, eHang, hopes it will (24) ________ work like the flying taxis (25) ________ by science fiction.

According to the company’s site, the eHang 216 has a top speed of 80 miles per hour and is autonomous, receiving signals via a 4G or 5G phone network from a command and control centre.

The craft is fully powered by electricity and can be charged in one hour, eHang says. It does not need a runway (26) __________.

The company claims the autonomous flight technology eliminates any chance of failure caused by human error. “Without any (27) __________ about controlling or operating the aircraft, the passengers can just sit and enjoy the journey,” eHang explains.


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