Англійська мова. Всі запитання починаючи з 1845
1846184718481849185018511852185318541855  ▶  
Завдання 1846 з 1930

Oxford University’s Library

Established in 1602 as Oxford University’s Library, Bodleian is one of the oldest libraries in Europe. It houses about 11 million items, including many of historical importance: four copies of the Magna Carta, a Gutenberg Bible, and Shakespeare’s First Folio, just to name a few. Though Bodleian comprises multiple buildings, the most interesting is Radcliffe Camera, built in 1737-1749 to house the Radcliffe Science Library. The earliest circular library in England, Radcliffe appeared in famous movies, including Young Sherlock Holmes, The Saint, The Red Violin, and The Golden Compass.

Which library __________?

Agives you a chance to enjoy listening to music
Bhas its image printed on the country’s currency
Chas a special construction to preserve books
Dprovides its materials to other libraries if necessary
Echanges displayed collections throughout the year
Fcontains samples of unique writing materials
Ghas been a filming location more than once
Hhosts a permanent collection of Chinese amour

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