Англійська мова. Всі запитання починаючи з 1885
1886188718881889189018911892189318941895  ▶  
Завдання 1886 з 1930

The History of Tea

Tea is consumed more than any other beverage in the world; and behind this everyday drink, beyond the boxes on the tea-store shelves, lies a colourful and fascinating story that makes its way through (17) __________.

Little did Chinese Emperor Shen Nung realise in 2737 B.C., (18) __________, that the beverage he discovered would cause sensations around the world. The pleasant aroma and refreshing taste charmed him, and soon everyone in the kingdom was drinking tea.

Until the third century A.D., (19) __________ with the fresh green leaves gathered from the wild tea trees. To match supply to an increasing demand and guarantee a regular crop, farmers began to grow tea (20) __________. The Dutch and Portuguese were responsible for bringing tea from China to Europe in the early 17th century.

In the 1870s, Ceylon became a major area producing tea as an alternative to coffee crops which failed in the 1860s. The first tea plantations were established in Loolecondra Estate near Kandy, and (21) __________.

Tea takes you on this long journey, with innovative blends and packaging yet, (22)__________.


Awhen dried leaves blew into his cup of hot water
Bkeeping the 5000-year-old traditions unbroken
Cthe social and cultural history of many nations
Dbegan the tea ceremony that is practised even now
Ethe beverage was prepared as a medicine or tonic
Fthe system of drying and processing tea leaves
Gplanting tea bushes wherever the land was suitable
Hthis marked the birth of tea industry in Ceylon (Sri Lanka)

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