Англійська мова. Всі запитання починаючи з 1925
Завдання 1926 з 1930

Moving Abroad

If the kids (28) _______, mum and dad are, too. That’s why when it comes to moving abroad, families that do not live in their own country say a welcoming environment for their children is at the top of the list of must-haves.

Moving abroad can be both exciting and scary for children, but it (29) _______ out by the unparalleled exposure to new cultures for the entire family, said Kate Berger, a psychologist in Amsterdam, (30) _______ specialises in expatriate children. Children living abroad develop skills that make them (31) _______ than their friends living at home.

“These kids usually develop a skillset that makes them uniquely (32) _______ for leadership positions and they are often more open-minded than their peers”, said Berger.

Aare happy
Bwill be happy
Cwere happy

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