Англійська мова. Всі запитання починаючи з 865
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Завдання 866 з 1930

In March this year, Peter John Rigby, 73, from Skipton, (38)_____ reading for more than ten seconds by North Yorkshire Police’s mobile (39)_____ camera on Beamsley Hill.

Mr. Rigby pleaded guilty to dangerous driving and was fined £1,080. In addition to (40)_____ for 12 months, he was ordered to take an extended driving test.

Dave Brown, Team Manager, said: “Those 10 seconds (41)_____ have been disastrous for him or other road users. This case demonstrates the clear evidence captured by the camera and should serve as a reminder to other road users of the potential consequences if they (42)_____ to take unnecessary and dangerous risks.”

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