Англійська мова. Всі запитання починаючи з 880
881882883884885886887888889890891892893894895  ▶  
Завдання 881 з 1930


Under the same professional ownership as the Bryanston Court, this charming hotel continually attracts repeat visitors. Adjacent to the Bryanston Court, guests are accommodated in tastefully furnished rooms all with bath or shower, WC, TV, radio and telephone. The Concorde also has a small bar and breakfast room.

At which hotel

Apeople return to stay again
Bonly female guests used to stay
Cyou can make your own drinks
Dyou can buy presents and souvenirs
Eyou can enjoy exclusively live music
Fyou can taste homemade food
Gthe restaurant offers national dishes
Hyou are offered the most entertainment

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