ЗНО (ЄВІ) 2018 року з англійської мови в магістратуру – основна сесія (1 зміна)

Завдання 1 з 42


Task 1

Time Is on Your Side

Ask any high school student what the biggest challenge is, and chances are it’ll have something to do with time management. Here are some ways to help you build time management into your work habits: 


Look ahead and set a schedule for yourself so that you always have time to be productive. Planners are the best things for any student. If you stay up-to-date with your homework, clubs, organizations, sports and jobs, there’s no way you’ll miss out an activity or forget an assignment. It’s a good idea to update your planner after every class or meeting so you’ll be 100% sure of deadlines, projects and meetings that are approaching in the future.

ADon’t burn daylight
BDon’t keep late hours
CSet achievable goals
DLimit your social networking
EReward yourself to keep motivated
FKeep your living space organized
GAsk for assistance
HWrite everything down
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