ЗНО (ЄВІ) 2020 року з англійської мови в магістратуру – спецсесія

Завдання 1 з 42


Task 1

Job Descriptions

 _______ support the department by performing office duties, including data entry, processing and recording transactions, preparing reports and budgets, fielding communications with clients and sellers, fact checking, filing, and other duties, as needed. We are searching for a motivated person who is an excellent multitasker with exceptional communication and time management skills. You should be thorough, accurate, and honest with good bookkeeping skills. To be a successful candidate, you should be proficient with computers and software, such as MS Excel or Quickbooks.

ACabin crew
BExcavator operators
CSoftware developers
DAdvisory experts
FProduction engineers
GAdvertisement originators
HAccounting clerks
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