ЗНО (ЄВІ) 2024 року з англійської мови в магістратуру – основна сесія

Тестові завдання основної сесії ЄВІ 2024 року з англійської мови

Завдання 1 з 30


Task 1

Autumn Holidays

Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania

During autumn in Jim Thorpe, a trip down the memory lane is framed by brightly coloured leaves. The historic town offers wonderfully preserved buildings that house tearooms, art galleries, and an opera house popular on the Vaudeville route. Simply stroll the grounds to enjoy the beauty of gardens and you'll find the town filled with energy and enthusiasm. Fall weekends complete with arts, melodies, exciting walks to town, and kids’ activities run throughout October.

This town offers you the chance ___________.

Ato go for a bike ride at no cost
Bto go fishing in the local river
Cto have a substantial morning meal
Dto try extreme sports
Eto appreciate handmade articles
Fto enjoy a musical performance
Gto improve your health and mood
Hto explore the area with a guide
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