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Завдання 181 з 774

Alex Mayer

I absolutely adore horseback riding. I own three horses here in the UK. A stallion named “Perseus” who is insane and I think that’s why I prefer to ride him and a new stallion named “Disraeli”. He’s even a bit more crazy than the other. It’s always a fight of wills and I love the fight. The other is a mare named “Seripho” who is an absolute sweetheart. Besides riding, I play tennis and just started taking boxing lessons; it’s a killer workout.

Which person ________?

Ais ready to discuss various topics
Benjoys sports and animals
Cwrites guidelines for newbies
Dinvites other people to participate in his/her activity
Eis interested in becoming a travel agent
Fadores communicating with other people
Gwants to travel with his/her pets
Hwants to start his/ her own business

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