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Завдання 646 з 774

Travel Pioneers

From innovators who are leading the pack to explorers who are experiencing the world in a new way — Travel Pioneers will change the way you think about travelling.

Levison Wood

Levison Wood has made a name for himself by finding new ways to experience inaccessible and dangerous places. He’s hitchhiked from England to India and back, crossing conflict zones in Iraq and Afghanistan; driven ambulances from London to Malawi; travelled across Madagascar; protected George Clooney in South Sudan; fought Taliban insurgents as an officer in the British Parachute Regiment in Afghanistan; and even gave a hand to a pop star to organise an outdoor concert in the coldest inhabited place on Earth.

Who of the travellers ___________?

Acaptures images of vanishing cultures
Bpays special attention to travel planning
Cstudies exotic languages as a hobby
Dhelped a singer perform in a remote place
Einspires others to be eco-friendly
Ftakes part in various speed contests
Gactively promotes global volunteerism
Hfollows the route of human migration

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