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Завдання 121 з 1866

Read the text below. For each of the empty space (34–45) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).

Male Birds Belt out Their Song by Putting a Little Muscle into It

Some male songbirds can sing (34) ______ notes than females because they have stronger muscles to make the sounds. Some scientists used to think it was all about how well the birds could force air out of their lungs, but new research says it has more to do with muscles in the (35) ______ throats. There’s a reason the boy birds are better singers. They have (36) ______ a mate. The more varied their songs, (37) ______ it will stand out from other boy birds who are also singing in hopes of finding a mate. Varied songs also are easier to hear over noises, like a rushing stream or the noisy calls of other birds. Although all birds (38) ______ knowing certain calls, songbirds learn how to sing from their parents. That ability is only found in songbirds, humans and a few other mammals like dolphins, whales and bats. So think about muscles the next time you hear a bird singing. Muscles (39) ______ just in your arms and legs, or in a bird’s wings. They also help us make a variety of sounds.

The more varied their songs, (37) ______ it will stand out from other boy birds who are also singing in hopes of finding a mate.

Bthe better
Dthe best

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