Англійська мова. Всі запитання починаючи з 15
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Завдання 16 з 1930

Read the texts below. Match choices (A–H) to (11–16). There are two choices you do not need to use.

Which of the winter celebrations is associated with _____________ ?

Winter Celebrations

Three Kings Day

At the end of the Twelve Days of Christmas comes a day called the Epiphany, or Three Kings Day. This holiday is celebrated as the day the three wise men first saw baby Jesus and brought him gifts. On this day in Spain, many children get their Christmas presents. In Puerto Rico, before children go to sleep on January 5, they leave a box with hay under their beds so the kings will leave good presents. In France, a delicious King cake is baked. Bakers will hide a coin, jewel or little toy inside it.

Abonfires in the backyard
Bhonoring people’s main values
Can imaginary figure appearing in different ways
Da festive treat containing a surprise
Ecolours to make people fortunate
Fsharing food with neighbours
Ga special dish eaten with something sweet
Hgreens as symbols of riches

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