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Завдання 211 з 1866

Read the text below. For questions choose the correct answer (A, B, C и D)

The Leaning Tower of Pisa Has Never Been Straight

Soon after building started in 1173, the foundation of the Pisa tower settled unevenly. Construction ______ , and was continued only a 100 year later. It then became visibly clear that the Tower of Pisa is leaning, tilting to the south.

Since regular measuring of the tower began in 1911, the top of the tower  ______ 1,2 millimeters per year. In 1989, the Tower of Pisa Project Consortium commissioned engineers ______ the Leaning Tower. Because the Tower tilted in different directions in its first years, it is slightly curved, like a banana. Engineers are working on the footing of the Tower rather than the structure, ______ to ease the top back about 20 cm. But it means that ______ tower will remain leaning.


Engineers are working on the footing of the Tower rather than the structure, ______ to ease the top back about 20 cm.


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