ЗНО (ЄВІ) 2019 року з англійської мови в магістратуру – основна сесія (2 зміна)

Завдання 1 з 42


Task 1

Coping with Writing Anxiety


Start writing at whatever point you like. If you want to begin in the middle, fine. Leave the introduction or first section until later. The reader will never know that you wrote the paper beginning with the main body. Besides, some writers routinely save the introduction until later when they have a clearer idea of what the main idea and purpose will be.

AAim your writing at different addressees
BDiscuss your essay with someone else
CRe-read your notes
DImagine yourself in different roles
ERecord your composition
FWrite a plan of your paper
GTry writing “backwards”
HBear information in your mind
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