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Завдання 1 з 804

Read the text below.
Match choices (A-H) to (1-5).There are three choices you do i not need to use. Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.

Prison Life


When someone is put in prison they have at least one interview and assessment to make sure they understand prison rules and procedures, know what their rights are, get the right healthcare, are told of courses available. The prisoner gets a prison number and their property is recorded and put somewhere safe until they’re released. Prisoners are also given a security category based on how likely they are to try to escape or their risk of causing harm to other prisoners and prison staff.

ACure of ill inmates
BStaff risks while managing health problems of prisoners
CUniversity courses for people kept in jail
DEducation opportunities and new experiences
EConvict code of conduct
FVulnerable prisoners
GArriving at place of confinement
HInterviewing imprisoned criminals

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Перевірити Наступне
Вид завдання: Завдання з вибором однієї правильної відповіді
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