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Завдання 16 з 804

Task 3

Master of Law (LLM) Programs

The philosophy of the LLM program is to offer our students a broad platform to design their own course of study within parameters set by Harvard Law School faculty. Within this framework, LLM students have enormous latitude in planning their year. Interested faculty and special student advisers work hard throughout the year to help students to identify and refine their study objectives.

According to the advertisements at which university or law school _______?

ALLM students can continue learning with a postgraduate law program
BLLM programs provide distance learning
Cinternational students are given an opportunity to practice in their field
DLLM programs teach foreign students the basic legal principles of the host country
Esome programs require to write a dissertation while others offer a number of classes
Fthe LLM diploma will comprise both thesis intensive and coursework
GLLM students are assisted with distinguishing and achieving their purposes
HLLM students are supposed to draft their own study course regardless the university curriculum

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