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Barrister fined over data protection breach

A barrister (33) _____ £1,000 for failing to keep clients’ sensitive information secure, after her husband updated software on the couple’ s home computer.

The husband’s action resulted in information belonging to 250 people, (34) _____ vulnerable adults and children involved in Family Court and Court of Protection proceedings, (35) _____ uploaded to the internet. Some 725 (36) _____ documents, which were created and stored on the computer, were temporarily uploaded to an internet directory as a back-up (37) _____ the software upgrade.

According to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), the information was visible to an internet search engine and some of the documents could be (38) _____ accessed through a simple search.

Steve Eckersley, head of enforcement at the ICC), said: “This barrister, for no good reason, overlooked her responsibility (39) _____ her clients’ confidential and (40) _____ sensitive information.

“It is hard to imagine the distress this (41) _____ to the people involved - even if the worst never happened, this barrister exposed her clients to (42) _____ worry and upset.”

(Аdapted from: https://www. newlawjo urnal. co. uk/coment/barrz'ster-fined-over-data-protection-breach)

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